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Let's start by looking at Gucci's figures today. In 2019, Gucci was valued at $10.2 billion USD with over 500 stores open worldwide. The same year, the fashion house raked in almost 20 million site visits and just around $40 million followers on Instagram.


Now the question becomes, how exactly has Gucci obtained these incredible statistics and managed to only increase them throughout the years? Their marketing strategy for this global domination can be broken down into three main parts: their diversified marketing platforms, adaptability to their audience, and focus on their high-quality, luxury image.


Let's start by looking at Gucci's marketing platforms. Gucci markets through advertisements on TV, in magazines, as well as various social media platforms from YouTube to Snapchat to Instagram. This is without even accounting for the celebrity influence that they capitalize on to influence the impressionable generations who just follow what their favorite idols do. This explains in large part how they manage to be successful. As opposed to letting the times dominate their fashion and turning it into an exclusively vintage piece, Gucci is aware of the changes to technology and media, and adapts their marketing strategy to match. The varied platforms allows for them to reach a varied audience, which leads me into our next topic of their adaptability to their audience.


Gucci originally started out as a brand centered around horse-racing, selling things like saddles for riders. As we know, they don't exactly work in this field anymore, and this is a reflection of how they know to tailor their supply to where the demand is. Just before the 2000s, Gucci realized they needed to reinvent themselves to appeal to a younger audience so as to not go out of fashion. They created multitudes of styles intended for millenials, and through using more modern promotion methods, became one of the most popular brands for younger generations to strive after. This is in large part what has allowed them to dominate the international market so much. As celebrities begin to pick up younger styles, so do all of their fans, aging anywhere from their teens to their 30s and even higher. However, media icons wear a variety of brands from things like Michael Kors to Steve Madden or even Zara. So why is it that Gucci is so exponentially successful?


It all comes back to the way Gucci promotes their level of luxury. Everything from Gucci's marketing to the design of their website and logos screams that they are a high-end brand--which is true. The fact that they are so unobtainable for so many people makes their products more highly sought after and valuable if you can get them. For many who want to promote their wealth or have it on blatant display, the green and red stripes do exactly that.


So while designs play an extremely important part in the success of a luxury fashion house, the marketing is just as important when it comes to staying at the top of high fashion for decades in a row.

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